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Kindred Of The East Disciplines

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  1. Kindred Of The East Pdf

A World of Darkness Chronicle for Kindred of the East


Venue Links:

  • Setting Info

  • House Rules

  • Character Creation

We are currently seeking staff for Kindred of the East.

The following titles are required reading for this venue:
Kindred of the East

  • Vampire: the Masquerade (Revised) (Not using any clans, mechanics for combat, skill rolls, etc.)
  • Kindred of the East Core Book
  • Kindred of the East Companion
  • Kindred of the East The Half-Damned: Dhamphyr
  • Sunset Empires
  • Shadow Wars
  • The Killing Streets
  • The 1000 Hells
  • Dharma Book: Way of the Resplendent Cranes
  • Dharma Book: Howl of the Devil-Tiger
  • Dharma Book: Path of a Thousand Whispers
  • Dharma Book: Song of the Shadows
  • Dharma Book: Dance of the Thrashing Dragons
  • Heresies of the Way
    • NOTE: May only use any of the specials in the book that are part of the Spirits of the Living Earth. Details from the book may be used in the background of the character, such as coming from a heretical dharma and stepping into one of the Five Main is fine.

None as of Yet

  • Howl of the Devil-Tiger: 2 / 4
  • Way of the Resplendent Crane: 1 / 4
  • Way of a Thousand Whispers: 1 / 4
  • Song of the Shadows: 0 / 4
  • Dance of the Thrashing Dragons: 1 / 4
  • Spirit of the Living Earth: 0 / 2

Below are the character creation guidelines for the venue, if there are any questions, please feel free to FPM/Page SteveS.


Below is the General flow of character creation, and under that, are the finer details that determine the creation of a Kuei-jin.

If there are any questions, please make sure to contact the staff and we will be happy to lend you some aid. Also, please make sure to look over House Rules as well, though I will have the site adjustments for character creation set here, there are adjustments to abilities and the like that could be useful to know for play, or before character creation.

Character Creation Process

Below are the Character Creation rules for Kuei-jin and Dhamphyrs, under the quick reference chart are details and specifics that can help give a better idea on what you are working with, without having to look between the book and the screen.

Character Creation Kuei-jin

  • Step One: Name and Concept (please look down at Specifics), Choose balance, direction, Dharma, Nature, Demeanor, Actual Age and Apparent Age.
Note: Characters will be 18 years or older.
  • Uji: Uji's are an important part of Japanese Kindred Society, they are, more or less a family, much akin to a ‘Wu'. You may choose from one of the Major or Minor Uji, or even just come in as a ‘Ronin'.
Major Uji
Bishamon: Bishamon Kuei-jin are traditionalists to the core.
Genji: Are a contemporary (Modern) collective of Kuei-jin.
Iga and Koga: Spies and Assassin of the Kuei-jin. (Primarily Bone Flower Dharma; Please make sure to see the link below if you want to be part of the Iga/Koga House.)
Minor Uji
Sotogawa No: Shinto based Uji with Shifter Allies (Living Earth Dharma Only)
Nukekubi: Seek to be servants of Heaven and Hell.
Taira: Foremost Conservative Uji of Japan
Echizen: Uji of Mystics and Sorcerers
For more on the Uji's of Japan and the detail of Ronin, please click Here
  • Step Two: Attributes - Choose Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3)
    • 4's at CC: Only 1 Attribute may be at a 4 at character creation
    • 1's at CC: Only 1 Attribute may be at a 1 at character creation
  • Step Three: Abilities - Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5)
    • 4's at CC: Only 1 Ability may be at a 4 at character creation.
    • Combat Abilities: May not have a combined total of 9 dots in combat Abilities. This list includes, but not limited to: Athletics, Dodge, Firearms, Martial Arts, and Melee.
    • Martial Arts: May not take Martial Arts Past 3 dots even with freebie points. Must pick a technique (Soft or Hard) along with a Style (Eagle Claw Kung Fu, Goju-Ryu Karate, etc.) Please check house rules for specifics on the Adjustments made to Martial Arts.
  • Step Four: Advantages
Choose Disciplines 4 Dots (1 dot must be in a Demon Art)
Necromancy/Sorcery – Please Look below for details on Necromancy/Sorcery and the Kuei-jin after the Discipline Section, before Backgrounds.
Backgrounds (any 5; please either look at the House Rules for adjustments to some backgrounds or Home Brewed section for new backgrounds.)
May only take up to 1 points in Influence at Character Creation, please see Influence for further details on type of influence and actions.
Those starting off in an Uji may begin with 1 point in Status in their House for free and 1 point in Status: Shogunate for free as well.
Spend points on Chi Virtues (4; characters start with one dot in each Virtue)
  • Step Five: Finishing Touches
Record Starting Hun score (1)
Record Starting P'o score (3)
Record Starting Willpower (5)
Record Starting Chi (equal to permanent Yin/Yang)
Record Starting Dharma Rating (1; unless the Dharma Background was taken.)
Record Merits and Flaws
Note: May only take a Max of 7 points in Flaws
Note: Please make sure to see the section below on disallowed Merits/Flaws since Kuei-Jin have a different sort of background that Kin-jin (Western Vampires) do not share.
  • Spend Freebie Points (15)
A Wan Kuei can raise their Willpower up with Freebie Points, but cannot take it no higher than 6.

Character Creation Dhamphyrs

  • Step One: Name and Concept, Choose Nature, P'o Nature and Demeanor.
Note: Characters will be 18 years or older.
  • Step Two: Attributes - Choose Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3)
    • 4's at CC: Only 1 Attribute may be at a 4 at character creation
    • 1's at CC: Only 1 Attribute may be at a 1 at character creation
  • Step Three: Abilities - Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5)
    • 4's at CC: Only 1 Ability may be at a 4 at character creation.
    • Combat Abilities: May not have a combined total of 9 dots in combat Abilities. This list includes, but not limited to: Athletics, Firearms, Martial Arts, or Melee
    • Martial Arts: May not take Martial Arts Past 3 dots even with freebie points. Must pick a technique (Soft or Hard) along with a Style (Eagle Claw Kung Fu, Goju-Ryu Karate, etc.) Please check house rules for specifics on the Adjustments made to Martial Arts.
  • Step Four: Advantages
Special Abilities:
All Dhamphyrs Start with Passive Joss and may take Active Joss or 1 dot in any Demon Art, Shintai Discipline, Feng Shui, or Tzu Wei.
Backgrounds: May take: Age (See Dhamphyr book), Face, or any Background that works for the Living and half-dead along with Resources, Allies, Retainers (Human and Animal only), Followers, Influence. Also take a look at Home Brewed Section for some adjusted backgrounds.
May only take up to 1 points in Influence at Character Creation, please see Influence for further details on type of influence and actions.
Those starting off in an Uji may begin with 1 point in Status in their House for free and 1 point in Status: Shogunate for free as well.
Virtues: 7 Dots to distribute among Conscience, Self-Control, and Courage. Each Virtue starts with 1 dot.
  • Step Five: Finishing Touches
Record Humanity score (Conscience + Self-Control)
Record P'o score (1; may start with 2 dots without taking the Strong P'o Flaw)
Record Starting Willpower (5)
Record beginning Chi (equal to Self-Control (Yin) and Courage (Yang)
Record beginning Joss, which is equal to Humanity
Record beginning Demon Chi, which is equal to P'o
Record Merits and Flaws
Note: May only take a Max of 7 points in Flaws
  • Spend Freebie Points
25 Freebie Points if you don't take any powers/disciplines (Not including Passive Joss); and cannot use freebies to buy any Powers/Disciplines)
15 Freebie Points if you take a power/discipline at character creation (Passive Joss not included); power/disciplines included Active Joss, Feng Shui, Tzu Wei, Demon Arts, Shintai Disciplines.


Below are the specifics towards character creation of Kindred of the East.

Name and Concept (Kuei-jin Only)

Per Kindred of the East p. 16:
To symbolize the transition between life and death, many Kuei-jin discard their mortal names for sobriquets after their Second Breath. Kuei-jin in some Wu and courts take the name of the Wu or court as their surname (thus, Akira of the Bishamon Uji would be known as the Bishamon Akira, while the third member of the Dream Blood wu might be referred to as Dream Blood Three).

A large number of Kuei-jin, particularly those serving a court or spirit master, assume titles or descriptive epithets (Five Ghost Killer, Harmonious Fist of the Eighth Hell, Judge of Kowloon). More remorseful Kuei-jin do so out of homage to the duties they have forsaken, while their skeptical brethren take similar names out of mockery or irony. In any event, flowery titles are what the foolish Kindred expect, and they help keep the foreign devils on their toes..

What does this mean for you? Well, this means a few things, when looking over a few other books I've noticed that not all the books adhere to the same standards as the core book. A Dharma name should be something that has meaning to your character, it has a purpose, it can be considered a concept, or just a role in the universe. So use this as a chance to create a creative, Dharma name, this name is something used among other Wan Kuei and perhaps a select few Dhamphyrs/Ban Ren Gui.

Now this does not mean your log in name needs to be your re-birth name for your character. Most Wan Kuei do take 'Mortal Names' to use among the Hin (Non-People: Mortals). So, please, feel free to take Li Zong or Wei Shen as a mortal name that is your character log in name.

P'o Archetype

Below are the type of P'o your Wan Kuei has within, their dark passenger who whispers in their ear every chance they have, and seeks to undermine the Hun.

  • The Addict: Your P'o sees no use in the pursuit of Dharma or anything else, except numbing it's eternal hunger through the use of Blood and drugs. (Sunset Empires p. 105)
  • The Bandit: Your P'o is a rampaging, savage monster
  • The Barbarian: Your P'o rejects the true ways in favor of the decadent Kindred
  • The Dog-Cooker: Your P'o Wallows in Self-Degradation and loathes purity of self. (Sunset Empires p. 105 - 106)
  • The Comprador: Your P'o seeks to work for whoever pays him the most. (Sunset Empires p. 105)
  • The Corrupter: Your P'o seeks to twist the good and innocence's of the world. (Please see Home Brewed for details.)
  • The Courtier: Your P'o seeks to be subverted as a way to control others (Please see Home Brewed for details.)
  • The Deceiver: Your P'o undermines the Hun through lies and treachery
  • The Demon: Your P'o is a grotesque monster who lives only to destroy
  • The Fool: Your P'o distracts you from the true path to favor the easy way
  • The Legalist: Your P'o insists on rigid obedience and even more rigid punishment
  • The Monkey: Your P'o is a capricious creature bent on preventing inner harmony
  • The Samurai: Your P'o obsesses over respect and Glory, flying into a rage at any hint of disrespect or shame (Sunset Empires p. 106)
  • The Slave: Your P'o seeks to abase you before your 'superiors'
  • The Tormentor: You P'o seeks to unleash the pain and suffering it has endured on others. (Please see Home Brewed for details.)
  • The Tyrant: Your P'o seeks to put those weaker than you in their place (Please see Home Brewed for details.)

Chi Balance (Kuei-jin Only)

Balance is what your character is focused towards when attuning, feeding, or expending chi in disciplines or the like. Your Balance determines your focus for your Chi virtues, often times, those Balanced towards Yin or Yang, have a higher virtue than the opposite. In some cases, those Balanced towards Yin or Yang, are so Focused, they go as far as suffering Imbalance (when a chi virtue is 3 or more dots higher than the other.) Please review Virtues below in regards to actual Chi and Soul Virtues!

  • Yin: You are attuned to the Cold flow of existence, darkness, death, logic, and metal. When Balanced towards Yin, your focus of chi tends to be towards Yin, your virtue tends to be higher than your Yang Virtue, and you seek to fill your Yin Chi first, over your Yang chi.
  • Balanced: You are not focused overly in Yin or Yang, but see both as important to the flow of the body and soul. Live and Death equally flow through you, neither is more important than the other, and you seek to keep this flow in harmony. When taking chi, you do what you can to equal the flow of chi that flows into your body, and you attune as you please when awakening, be it Yin or Yang.
  • Yang: Yang is life, it is the very measure of all that is living, it brings warmth to your undead body. Wood, Fire, Life are all aspects that represent the measure of life that you are connected with and even attune to. When Balanced towards Yang, your focus of chi tends to be towards Yang, your virtue tends to be higher than your Yin Virtue, and you seek to fill your Yang chi first, over your Yin chi.

Direction (Kuei-jin Only)

Direction is your role within the Society of the Kuei-jin, what your focus tends to be and who the courts turn to when they require aid. For a deeper understanding of a direction, please click HERE!

  • North: Your duty is to interpret the laws and preserve the traditions.
  • West: Your duty is to bear messages (and punishments) from the spirits.
  • Center: Your duty is to guide yourself and others toward enlightenment.
  • South: Your duty is to create, lead and destroy.
  • East: Your duty is to watch over the 'floating world' of mortals.

Dharma (Kuei-jin Only)

There has to be a reason on why you came back from Hell, right? Well Dharma is that purpose, or what you feel draws you to continue with your Second Breath. Below are the Five Main Dharma's that are represented within Hong Kong. Heretical Dharma's are not Sanctioned for PC use at this time, nor are Akuma or Yulan-jin.
Note: Akuma mentioned above are those who have actually given their souls to the Yama Kings, this does not mean those who have taken the 'Akuma' social flaw and have been outcast from the main structure of Wan Kuei Society.

  • The Howl of the Devil-Tiger: Sin is rampant and it's your duty to correct the sin's of others to help proper society grow! With Passion, Pain and Righteousness, you throw yourself into duty head long, and do not hesitate. You learn from pain and teach others with it! Celestial Devils Virtue is P'o and they understand the Demon within is both their enemy and friend!
  • The Way of the Resplendent Crane: We died for our sins, now we're back to correct the mistakes we've made.. By remembering the Great Principle and following the Eight Lotus Path, we will make amends for our crimes and become true Paragons of Enlightenment! Ice Guardians Virtue is Hun, they understand the lack of Compassion is what drove them to hell.
  • The Song of the Shadow: We are dead, cold, we are not living and never shall we be such again. We must understand the purpose of our existence, and embrace the cold of the Ebon Dragon, be we Assassins, Guardians of our families, Necromancers or seekers of forbidden Knowledge, we do all of this out of obligation and purpose, not because we 'feel'! Bone Flowers Virtue is Yin, they understand their dead and do not seek to be that which they were in life.. messy, emotional creatures prone to fits of blindness, sex and drugs!
  • The Path of a Thousand Whispers: There is much to learn out there, and with limited perspective it's hard to see forest from the trees.. however, breaking these limitations by living a whole new life, breaking one's self off from previous connections and making a new identity, one can gain enlightenment and understanding of all things! Rootless Trees virtue is Balance, they seek to have an even accord between Yin, Yang, Hun and P'o. Knowing the cold of death, the passion of life, the focus of Hun and the Wild measure of the P'o, one can truly see what others cannot.
  • The Dance of the Thrashing Dragon: In life we did what we were told, we did not adventure out, we limited our existence and never truly enjoyed life.. However, now we're dead, it's time to throw caution to the wind and do all the things we never had the chance to do! Money, Sex, and Drugs, wild dancing, Art, beauty in the many myriads of all things out there is our focus and those who hide from such, shall be sought out and brought into the fire of life and passion! Laughing Rainbows Virtue is Yang, though they may have forsaken life, when alive, they now give to it freely and seek to bring others into the wild abandon that is there to be had!
  • Spirits of the Living Earth: We are those who never saw the truth of existence, we ignored the fact there are spirits in the world. However, after suffering death, and coming back, we have found the world is filled with spirits, and in this, we seek to be the middle ground between these spirits, and the world in which we inhabit.
    • Note: Limited Space for Spirits of the Living Earth Dharma, only allowing 3 as of this time in active place as PC's. House Sotogawa No, House Taira, or Ronin Only.


Discipline, in Wan Kuei terms, aren't set by blood of a clan, but what one has an affinity towards or believes is beneficial. Disciplines, in the Wan Kuei manner, can be taught through self-measures or from a teacher, though some aspects of these arts are discovered through Yoga, Tai Chi, Esoteric Exercises, Mantra's or even torture! Below are the different categories of powers one can seek to learn and understand!

Shintai Disciplines

Shintai or 'God-Body' Disciplines are focused around the Five Elements of existence, however in recent years three new Shintai have been developed.

  • Beast Shintai: This Shintai Discipline calls upon the power of a Kuei-jin's P'o to allow him to dominate, control, or make use of the beasts of the field. At higher levels, Beast Shintai actually provides the character with a link to a sort of 'totem spirit' that grants him special powers similar to those of other shen. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 82 - 83
  • Blood Shintai (Water): Blood is essential to life, it is 'water' in manner and can flow equally so if need be. Blood Shintai gives those who understand it, the ability to direct their blood, within their body, in ways that no other person can.
  • Bone Shintai (Metal): One uses Yin to adjust the form and attune it to the measures of the cold aspects of death. Those who take to Bone Shintai deeply are truly terrifying indeed and can be expected to shiv you with bone claws or form the living to decay through a cloud of Yin.
  • Flesh Shintai (Wood): Flesh allows one to extend parts of their body to lengths only heard of in myths.. and at higher levels, able to even make themselves look like whatever they wish!
  • Ghost-Flame Shintai: This allows a Wan Kuei to call upon the ghostly flames of death to harm their enemies and set them a blaze!
  • Jade Shintai (Earth): When one learns of the Jade Shintai arts, they begin to become one with the very world, able to run up the side of buildings to becoming an unmovable force of nature like a mountain, practitioners of Jade Shintai are not to be taken lightly.
  • Smoke Shintai: The Kuei-jin use the powers of the Smoke Shintai to misdirect, conceal, and obfuscate. A skilled practitioner of Smoke Shintai can use even the tiniest amount of smoke to conceal himself, and can tell lies to convincing that even the most jaded cynic believes him. At higher levels of power, Smoke Shintai provides some control over actual fire. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 82 - 83
  • Storm Shintai: This Shintai Discipline reflects the Cathayans' links to the storms of the pacific and Indian oceans. Most of the middle Kingdom is subject to terrible storms, even monsoons, during the course of every year. Some Kuei-jin, particularly those with strong P'os, revel in this extreme weather. Thus, they have learned to invoke the powers of the storm by attuning their Chi energies to the flows of weather. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 84 - 85

Chi Arts

  • NOTE: Dhamphyrs may take Feng Shui Only.

Chi arts are the Disciplines the Wan Kuei put into practice to direct the flow of chi within the body or an area. In some measures, these abilities go beyond just chi, but even the very aspect of the Souls.

  • Equilibrium: Maintaining harmonious balance between Yin and Yang, Hun and P'o.
  • Feng Shui: Chinese Geomancy put to use with Chi and Dragons Nests. Kindred of the East Companion P. 48 - 51
  • Yang Prana: Attuning the body to its inner Yang.
  • Yin Prana: Attuning the body to its inner Yin.
  • Tapestry: manipulating ambient Chi in the environment.

Soul Arts

  • NOTE: Dhamphyrs may take Tzu Wei Only.

The Soul are used to either direct the measure of one's own soul, or that of others. Some of these arts let you peek into a person's soul, while others, allows you to either entice the P'o in yourself or another to rage or to subside!

  • Cultivation: The P'o must be understood and assimilated.
  • Chi'iu Muh: The true secrets of the third eye.
  • Internalize: Focusing the will for mighty feats and cunning insights.
  • Mibasham: This Discipline, whose name derives from the Farsi (Persian) word for 'to be,' is concerned with the very nature of existence itself. Kuei-jin who study it are seeking answers to the mysteries of how the Kuei-jin came to be and what their purpose in the world is. Kindred of the East Companion P. 89 - 90
  • Obligation: The strongest soul prevails and triumphs.
  • Tzu Wei: Tzu Wei, as practiced by mortals, involves the use of Chinese astrology and horoscopes to determine what the future holds for an individual, what days and symbols are propitious ones for him, and when the best times are to undertake certain actions. In conjunction with feng shui, it provides what is sometimes an almost comprehensive guide to living one's life. But Kuei-jin, who know more about the fates than mere mortals, and who are sometimes able to manipulate the very stuff of reality itself, take Tzu Wei many steps beyond that. While they are able to do simple things like casting horoscopes, they are also able to grasp hold of joss and make it do what they want. Rather than simply reacting to the omens they see, they make joss conform to their desires. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 90 - 91

Demon Arts

Note: Hellweaving is not allowed at this time.
Demon Arts are the Disciplines that tap into the P'o directly, these arts are powerful, however dangerous in their own right.

  • Black Wind: Uses the P'o to fuel you physically!
  • Demon Shintai: Allows you to take on the Physical horrors of your P'o
  • Kiai: Releases the power of the P'o through powerful yells and screams. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 75 - 76
  • Iron Mountain: Able to use the P'o endure pain most Wan Kuei cannot. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 72 - 73

Other Arts

As of right now, the Arts used by the Heretical Dharma's are heavily restricted, there needs to be a very, very good reason on why.

  • Inward Way: the Discipline of the Inward Way is all about controlling the four imbalanced Virtues at the heart of the constantly whirling tempest within. Heresies of the Way P. 49
  • Prayer-Eating: Through the development of this Discipline, the Kuei-jin learns to extend her spiritual influence into those who pay her homage. Heresies of the Way P. 77 - 79
  • Tempest of the Inward Focus: Designed by the Sage as a movement-based meditation, the Tempest is more than a Kuei-jin martial art. It was meant to serve as an external component to the internal inward Way, and the Dahn Tú believe that to be truly proficient in either, you must master both. The Tempest is also limited in that powers can only be applied to Martial Arts maneuvers; it is, after all, a meditative-combat Discipline. Heresies of the Way P. 50 - 51

Necromancy/Sorcery (Kuei-jin Only)

  • Per the Dharma Book: Bone Flowers p. 35, Yin-Aspect Kuei-jin can learn Necromancy Rites that are similar to Giovanni Rituals. A Kuei-jin as stated previously, must be Yin-aspect and must possess Occult 3 and Rituals 4. If the Kuei-jin meets the previous criteria, they can learn Necromancy Rites at one level higher than their ritual level. For example, Cadaver's Touch, a level four ritual, would be a level five rite. The adapted rituals cause a mitigated version of a Kin-jin Discipline's ripple effect on the local Chi (Kindred of the East: Companion p. 122). However these rituals are taught and learned is up to the ST. House Bishamon and House Genji have banned the use of such strange and unnatural rituals; however it is believed that House Echizen has a vast library of converted rites which their willing to share, for a price. It is also speculated that some Ronin managed to learn some of these converted rites, but those Ronin are usually killed or adopted quickly.
  • As stated above with Necromancy the same is applied to learning Adapted Thaumaturgy Rituals. Difference is, a Kuei-jin may be balanced or Yang aspect instead of Yin aspect in order to perform the converted rite. Everything else applies normally along with the banning by House Bishamon and Genji with the note on House Echizen and Ronins.

Joss (Dhamphyrs Only)

Joss is Luck, and Dhamphyrs have the ability to not only be blessed by luck, but can be even learn to direct it, and even bind it to skills.

  • Active Joss: A Dhamphyr knows how to actively use their Joss towards something their attempting to do.
  • Joss Binding: A Dhamphyr has learned to bind some of their luck into a specific skill their very proficient at, often resulting in rather awe inspiring lucky events! Prerequisites: Active Joss, Skill to be bound at 3 dots.


You may not take Generation or Status, but you may take the backgrounds of:
  • Age: Allows a Dhamphyr to increase their access to Shintai Disciplines at a decrease to their Humanity and even their physical capabilities. (Dhamphyrs Only)
  • Allies: The details of the background have changed, please see the check the Home Brew Link Above Section to see the changes.
  • Dharma: Much like Generation, however it works for your Dharma rating (Please see Home Brewed for details; Kuei-jin Only)
  • Face: A Dhamphyrs 'recognition' among a Kuei-jin's court and how accepted (respected) a Dhamphyr is among a court. (Dhamphyrs Only)
  • Followers: You have a gang of people at your beck and call, be they thugs, fan girls or just people who are enslaved to your will, they are willing to jump to your needs whenever you wish. (Please see Home Brewed for details.)
  • Horoscopes: The stars smiled, or frowned, upon you. (Kuei-jin Only)
  • Influence: Influence is the pull an individual has within a specific Organizations.
    • Note: Locals to Japan may have up to 1 dot in influences. Locals are those who have spent their existence in Japan or at the very least, five years. Anyone who is recently arriving from outside of Japan, may not start with any points in Influence. For Further details on Influence and how it's gained, lost and the like please visit Here!.
  • Jade Talisman: You are blessed with a Chi-storing talisman.
  • Magic Artifact: You possess one or more magical devices.
  • Nushi: A guardian spirit watches over you or your wu.
  • Retainer: The aspects of the background has changed, please check the Home Brewed for further details.
  • Note: A Dhamphyr May not take Chih'mei as retainers and may only have a Dhamphyr, Bakemono, or Ban Ren Guei as a retainer through rp and personal plot development.
  • Rites: You know one or more ceremonies for placating spirits and tapping into dragon lines. (Kuei-jin only)
  • Spirit Servant Through the many Rites that Bind Spirits, you have learned to bind a Yin or Yang spirit to your service. (Please see Home Brewed for details; Kuei-jin Only)


Kuei-jin start off with the following Lore:
● in Kuei-jin Lore
● in Dharma Lore
If a Kuei-jin has any form of interest in Dhamphyrs, their origins and the like, they may start off with a ● in Dhamphyr Lore as well, for free. Also, those who are connected with specific type of Spirits, such as Yang or Yin spirits/demons may also be awarded a free point in Lore of that type.
Dhamphyrs start off with the following Lore(s), so long as they're not Ignorant of Self:
● in Dhamphyr Lore
● Kuei-Jin (If their educated in the ways of the Wan Kuei)

Virtues (Kuei-Jin Only)

Virtues for the Wan Kuei are split into four types and into two groups. You have Chi Virtues which are Yin, Self-Control and Yang, Courage; then you have Soul Virtues which are Hun (Humanity) and P'o (The Demon). The four virtues can be out of balance if the virtues are more than two dots higher than its opposing virtue; i.e. If Yin is at 5, while Yang is at 2, or P'o is at 6 and Hun is at 2.
Chi Virtues

  • Yin: Represents your connection to the cold mindedness of the universe, it helps you resist Fire Soul and represents the amount of Yin you can hold within your undead body.
  • Yang: Represents your connection to the very essence of life, it helps you resist Wave Soul and how much Yang you can hold within your undead body.

Soul Virtues:

  • Hun: The Hun represents the strength of your humane side of your dual souls, it helps you resist Shadow Soul, and to temper the P'o.
  • P'o: The P'o represents the strength of the Demon side of your dual souls, it helps you draw on the power of the demon within and allows you to hold more Demon Chi in your system.

Merits & Flaws

We are allowing players to take up to seven dots in merits and flaws, just as per normal character creations, merits take points away from your freebies while flaws add to your freebies. Merits and Flaws that are allowed for use are from the Kindred of the East books, and Vampire the Masquerade Revised books. ST's are allowed to deny specific merits/flaws based on character history, combination of merits with other merits and powers, and the same going with flaws. Since there are Kuei-jin who have connections with Humanity, and vampire does not have merits/flaws that work well for such aspects, there is a section of merits and flaws that focus more on human/mortal aspects. This list can be found HERE! If there are any questions, please feel free to ask the staff!

Disallowed Merits/Flaws (Kuei-jin Only)

Below are the Disallowed Merits and Flaws, these Merits/Flaws are disallowed due to the fact that Kuei-Jin have a different background that they do not share with Kindred. Such as, they can eat normal food without a merit. Should Any merit/flaw become banned, it will also be placed here with a note on it being Banned.

  • Berserker
  • Dual Nature


  • Eat Food


  • True Faith
  • Light-Sensitive
  • Kànbujiàn (Banned for PC Use, We're not playing outside the Middle Kingdom)


  • Baby Face
  • Misplaced Heart
  • Efficient Digestion
  • Selective Digestion
  • Thin-Blooded


  • Attribute 5
  • Ability 2 (3 if Martial Arts)
  • Discipline 10
  • Background 1
  • Chi Virtue 3
  • Hun 3
  • P'o 1
  • Willpower 1


  • Attributes 5
  • Ability 2 (3 if Martial Arts)
  • Discipline 10
  • Active Joss 10
  • Joss Binding 10
  • Background 1
  • Virtue 2
  • Humanity 1
  • Willpower 1

Character History

Character history is important part of a Wan Kuei's second breath, it needs to show aspects of why they went to hell, and in that, you need to make mention of what hell you went to; though, you do not need to have that mention as something the character remembers, it does need to be a note on where you went to within your history. Also, in your history, you need to speak on your training, which can be anywhere from 1 year to 25 years (depending on how traditional you want to be), so please make some mention of how long your training was. When it gets down to origins and court, please make sure to put in where you came from if you're not a local to Japan. Make sure to also add in and Faction/House you are part of, mention of a House is important, so please make sure you familiarize yourself with the Japanese sections if you can.

To add some ease to things, I have compiled information from the Kindred of the East: Companion and Sunset Empires, on the different courts and the like, in order to read up on this stuff please visit HERE!

Vampires have a X5 XP cost for in clan disciplines, out of clan only goes up to X7, and every clan has at least 1 combat discipline in clan. So for what costs a KJ to get 3 disciplines at 5(366 XP) a kindred has their 3 in-clan at 5, an out of clan at 4, Another out of clan at 3 and 8 xp to spare. Kindred of the East is a tabletop role-playing game supplement by White Wolf Publishing for their Vampire: The Masquerade line. The vanguard of White Wolf's 'Year of the Lotus' theme (which created 'Eastern' counterparts to all of their major product lines in the World of Darkness), this sourcebook is a stand-alone setting, requiring only secondary rules to be fully playable. See full list on

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Kindred of the East: the Song of Lanterns

Blood Shintai

The kindred book
  1. Kindred Of The East Pdf

A World of Darkness Chronicle for Kindred of the East


Venue Links:

  • Setting Info

  • House Rules

  • Character Creation

We are currently seeking staff for Kindred of the East.

The following titles are required reading for this venue:
Kindred of the East

  • Vampire: the Masquerade (Revised) (Not using any clans, mechanics for combat, skill rolls, etc.)
  • Kindred of the East Core Book
  • Kindred of the East Companion
  • Kindred of the East The Half-Damned: Dhamphyr
  • Sunset Empires
  • Shadow Wars
  • The Killing Streets
  • The 1000 Hells
  • Dharma Book: Way of the Resplendent Cranes
  • Dharma Book: Howl of the Devil-Tiger
  • Dharma Book: Path of a Thousand Whispers
  • Dharma Book: Song of the Shadows
  • Dharma Book: Dance of the Thrashing Dragons
  • Heresies of the Way
    • NOTE: May only use any of the specials in the book that are part of the Spirits of the Living Earth. Details from the book may be used in the background of the character, such as coming from a heretical dharma and stepping into one of the Five Main is fine.

None as of Yet

  • Howl of the Devil-Tiger: 2 / 4
  • Way of the Resplendent Crane: 1 / 4
  • Way of a Thousand Whispers: 1 / 4
  • Song of the Shadows: 0 / 4
  • Dance of the Thrashing Dragons: 1 / 4
  • Spirit of the Living Earth: 0 / 2

Below are the character creation guidelines for the venue, if there are any questions, please feel free to FPM/Page SteveS.


Below is the General flow of character creation, and under that, are the finer details that determine the creation of a Kuei-jin.

If there are any questions, please make sure to contact the staff and we will be happy to lend you some aid. Also, please make sure to look over House Rules as well, though I will have the site adjustments for character creation set here, there are adjustments to abilities and the like that could be useful to know for play, or before character creation.

Character Creation Process

Below are the Character Creation rules for Kuei-jin and Dhamphyrs, under the quick reference chart are details and specifics that can help give a better idea on what you are working with, without having to look between the book and the screen.

Character Creation Kuei-jin

  • Step One: Name and Concept (please look down at Specifics), Choose balance, direction, Dharma, Nature, Demeanor, Actual Age and Apparent Age.
Note: Characters will be 18 years or older.
  • Uji: Uji's are an important part of Japanese Kindred Society, they are, more or less a family, much akin to a ‘Wu'. You may choose from one of the Major or Minor Uji, or even just come in as a ‘Ronin'.
Major Uji
Bishamon: Bishamon Kuei-jin are traditionalists to the core.
Genji: Are a contemporary (Modern) collective of Kuei-jin.
Iga and Koga: Spies and Assassin of the Kuei-jin. (Primarily Bone Flower Dharma; Please make sure to see the link below if you want to be part of the Iga/Koga House.)
Minor Uji
Sotogawa No: Shinto based Uji with Shifter Allies (Living Earth Dharma Only)
Nukekubi: Seek to be servants of Heaven and Hell.
Taira: Foremost Conservative Uji of Japan
Echizen: Uji of Mystics and Sorcerers
For more on the Uji's of Japan and the detail of Ronin, please click Here
  • Step Two: Attributes - Choose Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3)
    • 4's at CC: Only 1 Attribute may be at a 4 at character creation
    • 1's at CC: Only 1 Attribute may be at a 1 at character creation
  • Step Three: Abilities - Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5)
    • 4's at CC: Only 1 Ability may be at a 4 at character creation.
    • Combat Abilities: May not have a combined total of 9 dots in combat Abilities. This list includes, but not limited to: Athletics, Dodge, Firearms, Martial Arts, and Melee.
    • Martial Arts: May not take Martial Arts Past 3 dots even with freebie points. Must pick a technique (Soft or Hard) along with a Style (Eagle Claw Kung Fu, Goju-Ryu Karate, etc.) Please check house rules for specifics on the Adjustments made to Martial Arts.
  • Step Four: Advantages
Choose Disciplines 4 Dots (1 dot must be in a Demon Art)
Necromancy/Sorcery – Please Look below for details on Necromancy/Sorcery and the Kuei-jin after the Discipline Section, before Backgrounds.
Backgrounds (any 5; please either look at the House Rules for adjustments to some backgrounds or Home Brewed section for new backgrounds.)
May only take up to 1 points in Influence at Character Creation, please see Influence for further details on type of influence and actions.
Those starting off in an Uji may begin with 1 point in Status in their House for free and 1 point in Status: Shogunate for free as well.
Spend points on Chi Virtues (4; characters start with one dot in each Virtue)
  • Step Five: Finishing Touches
Record Starting Hun score (1)
Record Starting P'o score (3)
Record Starting Willpower (5)
Record Starting Chi (equal to permanent Yin/Yang)
Record Starting Dharma Rating (1; unless the Dharma Background was taken.)
Record Merits and Flaws
Note: May only take a Max of 7 points in Flaws
Note: Please make sure to see the section below on disallowed Merits/Flaws since Kuei-Jin have a different sort of background that Kin-jin (Western Vampires) do not share.
  • Spend Freebie Points (15)
A Wan Kuei can raise their Willpower up with Freebie Points, but cannot take it no higher than 6.

Character Creation Dhamphyrs

  • Step One: Name and Concept, Choose Nature, P'o Nature and Demeanor.
Note: Characters will be 18 years or older.
  • Step Two: Attributes - Choose Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3)
    • 4's at CC: Only 1 Attribute may be at a 4 at character creation
    • 1's at CC: Only 1 Attribute may be at a 1 at character creation
  • Step Three: Abilities - Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5)
    • 4's at CC: Only 1 Ability may be at a 4 at character creation.
    • Combat Abilities: May not have a combined total of 9 dots in combat Abilities. This list includes, but not limited to: Athletics, Firearms, Martial Arts, or Melee
    • Martial Arts: May not take Martial Arts Past 3 dots even with freebie points. Must pick a technique (Soft or Hard) along with a Style (Eagle Claw Kung Fu, Goju-Ryu Karate, etc.) Please check house rules for specifics on the Adjustments made to Martial Arts.
  • Step Four: Advantages
Special Abilities:
All Dhamphyrs Start with Passive Joss and may take Active Joss or 1 dot in any Demon Art, Shintai Discipline, Feng Shui, or Tzu Wei.
Backgrounds: May take: Age (See Dhamphyr book), Face, or any Background that works for the Living and half-dead along with Resources, Allies, Retainers (Human and Animal only), Followers, Influence. Also take a look at Home Brewed Section for some adjusted backgrounds.
May only take up to 1 points in Influence at Character Creation, please see Influence for further details on type of influence and actions.
Those starting off in an Uji may begin with 1 point in Status in their House for free and 1 point in Status: Shogunate for free as well.
Virtues: 7 Dots to distribute among Conscience, Self-Control, and Courage. Each Virtue starts with 1 dot.
  • Step Five: Finishing Touches
Record Humanity score (Conscience + Self-Control)
Record P'o score (1; may start with 2 dots without taking the Strong P'o Flaw)
Record Starting Willpower (5)
Record beginning Chi (equal to Self-Control (Yin) and Courage (Yang)
Record beginning Joss, which is equal to Humanity
Record beginning Demon Chi, which is equal to P'o
Record Merits and Flaws
Note: May only take a Max of 7 points in Flaws
  • Spend Freebie Points
25 Freebie Points if you don't take any powers/disciplines (Not including Passive Joss); and cannot use freebies to buy any Powers/Disciplines)
15 Freebie Points if you take a power/discipline at character creation (Passive Joss not included); power/disciplines included Active Joss, Feng Shui, Tzu Wei, Demon Arts, Shintai Disciplines.


Below are the specifics towards character creation of Kindred of the East.

Name and Concept (Kuei-jin Only)

Per Kindred of the East p. 16:
To symbolize the transition between life and death, many Kuei-jin discard their mortal names for sobriquets after their Second Breath. Kuei-jin in some Wu and courts take the name of the Wu or court as their surname (thus, Akira of the Bishamon Uji would be known as the Bishamon Akira, while the third member of the Dream Blood wu might be referred to as Dream Blood Three).

A large number of Kuei-jin, particularly those serving a court or spirit master, assume titles or descriptive epithets (Five Ghost Killer, Harmonious Fist of the Eighth Hell, Judge of Kowloon). More remorseful Kuei-jin do so out of homage to the duties they have forsaken, while their skeptical brethren take similar names out of mockery or irony. In any event, flowery titles are what the foolish Kindred expect, and they help keep the foreign devils on their toes..

What does this mean for you? Well, this means a few things, when looking over a few other books I've noticed that not all the books adhere to the same standards as the core book. A Dharma name should be something that has meaning to your character, it has a purpose, it can be considered a concept, or just a role in the universe. So use this as a chance to create a creative, Dharma name, this name is something used among other Wan Kuei and perhaps a select few Dhamphyrs/Ban Ren Gui.

Now this does not mean your log in name needs to be your re-birth name for your character. Most Wan Kuei do take 'Mortal Names' to use among the Hin (Non-People: Mortals). So, please, feel free to take Li Zong or Wei Shen as a mortal name that is your character log in name.

P'o Archetype

Below are the type of P'o your Wan Kuei has within, their dark passenger who whispers in their ear every chance they have, and seeks to undermine the Hun.

  • The Addict: Your P'o sees no use in the pursuit of Dharma or anything else, except numbing it's eternal hunger through the use of Blood and drugs. (Sunset Empires p. 105)
  • The Bandit: Your P'o is a rampaging, savage monster
  • The Barbarian: Your P'o rejects the true ways in favor of the decadent Kindred
  • The Dog-Cooker: Your P'o Wallows in Self-Degradation and loathes purity of self. (Sunset Empires p. 105 - 106)
  • The Comprador: Your P'o seeks to work for whoever pays him the most. (Sunset Empires p. 105)
  • The Corrupter: Your P'o seeks to twist the good and innocence's of the world. (Please see Home Brewed for details.)
  • The Courtier: Your P'o seeks to be subverted as a way to control others (Please see Home Brewed for details.)
  • The Deceiver: Your P'o undermines the Hun through lies and treachery
  • The Demon: Your P'o is a grotesque monster who lives only to destroy
  • The Fool: Your P'o distracts you from the true path to favor the easy way
  • The Legalist: Your P'o insists on rigid obedience and even more rigid punishment
  • The Monkey: Your P'o is a capricious creature bent on preventing inner harmony
  • The Samurai: Your P'o obsesses over respect and Glory, flying into a rage at any hint of disrespect or shame (Sunset Empires p. 106)
  • The Slave: Your P'o seeks to abase you before your 'superiors'
  • The Tormentor: You P'o seeks to unleash the pain and suffering it has endured on others. (Please see Home Brewed for details.)
  • The Tyrant: Your P'o seeks to put those weaker than you in their place (Please see Home Brewed for details.)

Chi Balance (Kuei-jin Only)

Balance is what your character is focused towards when attuning, feeding, or expending chi in disciplines or the like. Your Balance determines your focus for your Chi virtues, often times, those Balanced towards Yin or Yang, have a higher virtue than the opposite. In some cases, those Balanced towards Yin or Yang, are so Focused, they go as far as suffering Imbalance (when a chi virtue is 3 or more dots higher than the other.) Please review Virtues below in regards to actual Chi and Soul Virtues!

  • Yin: You are attuned to the Cold flow of existence, darkness, death, logic, and metal. When Balanced towards Yin, your focus of chi tends to be towards Yin, your virtue tends to be higher than your Yang Virtue, and you seek to fill your Yin Chi first, over your Yang chi.
  • Balanced: You are not focused overly in Yin or Yang, but see both as important to the flow of the body and soul. Live and Death equally flow through you, neither is more important than the other, and you seek to keep this flow in harmony. When taking chi, you do what you can to equal the flow of chi that flows into your body, and you attune as you please when awakening, be it Yin or Yang.
  • Yang: Yang is life, it is the very measure of all that is living, it brings warmth to your undead body. Wood, Fire, Life are all aspects that represent the measure of life that you are connected with and even attune to. When Balanced towards Yang, your focus of chi tends to be towards Yang, your virtue tends to be higher than your Yin Virtue, and you seek to fill your Yang chi first, over your Yin chi.

Direction (Kuei-jin Only)

Direction is your role within the Society of the Kuei-jin, what your focus tends to be and who the courts turn to when they require aid. For a deeper understanding of a direction, please click HERE!

  • North: Your duty is to interpret the laws and preserve the traditions.
  • West: Your duty is to bear messages (and punishments) from the spirits.
  • Center: Your duty is to guide yourself and others toward enlightenment.
  • South: Your duty is to create, lead and destroy.
  • East: Your duty is to watch over the 'floating world' of mortals.

Dharma (Kuei-jin Only)

There has to be a reason on why you came back from Hell, right? Well Dharma is that purpose, or what you feel draws you to continue with your Second Breath. Below are the Five Main Dharma's that are represented within Hong Kong. Heretical Dharma's are not Sanctioned for PC use at this time, nor are Akuma or Yulan-jin.
Note: Akuma mentioned above are those who have actually given their souls to the Yama Kings, this does not mean those who have taken the 'Akuma' social flaw and have been outcast from the main structure of Wan Kuei Society.

  • The Howl of the Devil-Tiger: Sin is rampant and it's your duty to correct the sin's of others to help proper society grow! With Passion, Pain and Righteousness, you throw yourself into duty head long, and do not hesitate. You learn from pain and teach others with it! Celestial Devils Virtue is P'o and they understand the Demon within is both their enemy and friend!
  • The Way of the Resplendent Crane: We died for our sins, now we're back to correct the mistakes we've made.. By remembering the Great Principle and following the Eight Lotus Path, we will make amends for our crimes and become true Paragons of Enlightenment! Ice Guardians Virtue is Hun, they understand the lack of Compassion is what drove them to hell.
  • The Song of the Shadow: We are dead, cold, we are not living and never shall we be such again. We must understand the purpose of our existence, and embrace the cold of the Ebon Dragon, be we Assassins, Guardians of our families, Necromancers or seekers of forbidden Knowledge, we do all of this out of obligation and purpose, not because we 'feel'! Bone Flowers Virtue is Yin, they understand their dead and do not seek to be that which they were in life.. messy, emotional creatures prone to fits of blindness, sex and drugs!
  • The Path of a Thousand Whispers: There is much to learn out there, and with limited perspective it's hard to see forest from the trees.. however, breaking these limitations by living a whole new life, breaking one's self off from previous connections and making a new identity, one can gain enlightenment and understanding of all things! Rootless Trees virtue is Balance, they seek to have an even accord between Yin, Yang, Hun and P'o. Knowing the cold of death, the passion of life, the focus of Hun and the Wild measure of the P'o, one can truly see what others cannot.
  • The Dance of the Thrashing Dragon: In life we did what we were told, we did not adventure out, we limited our existence and never truly enjoyed life.. However, now we're dead, it's time to throw caution to the wind and do all the things we never had the chance to do! Money, Sex, and Drugs, wild dancing, Art, beauty in the many myriads of all things out there is our focus and those who hide from such, shall be sought out and brought into the fire of life and passion! Laughing Rainbows Virtue is Yang, though they may have forsaken life, when alive, they now give to it freely and seek to bring others into the wild abandon that is there to be had!
  • Spirits of the Living Earth: We are those who never saw the truth of existence, we ignored the fact there are spirits in the world. However, after suffering death, and coming back, we have found the world is filled with spirits, and in this, we seek to be the middle ground between these spirits, and the world in which we inhabit.
    • Note: Limited Space for Spirits of the Living Earth Dharma, only allowing 3 as of this time in active place as PC's. House Sotogawa No, House Taira, or Ronin Only.


Discipline, in Wan Kuei terms, aren't set by blood of a clan, but what one has an affinity towards or believes is beneficial. Disciplines, in the Wan Kuei manner, can be taught through self-measures or from a teacher, though some aspects of these arts are discovered through Yoga, Tai Chi, Esoteric Exercises, Mantra's or even torture! Below are the different categories of powers one can seek to learn and understand!

Shintai Disciplines

Shintai or 'God-Body' Disciplines are focused around the Five Elements of existence, however in recent years three new Shintai have been developed.

  • Beast Shintai: This Shintai Discipline calls upon the power of a Kuei-jin's P'o to allow him to dominate, control, or make use of the beasts of the field. At higher levels, Beast Shintai actually provides the character with a link to a sort of 'totem spirit' that grants him special powers similar to those of other shen. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 82 - 83
  • Blood Shintai (Water): Blood is essential to life, it is 'water' in manner and can flow equally so if need be. Blood Shintai gives those who understand it, the ability to direct their blood, within their body, in ways that no other person can.
  • Bone Shintai (Metal): One uses Yin to adjust the form and attune it to the measures of the cold aspects of death. Those who take to Bone Shintai deeply are truly terrifying indeed and can be expected to shiv you with bone claws or form the living to decay through a cloud of Yin.
  • Flesh Shintai (Wood): Flesh allows one to extend parts of their body to lengths only heard of in myths.. and at higher levels, able to even make themselves look like whatever they wish!
  • Ghost-Flame Shintai: This allows a Wan Kuei to call upon the ghostly flames of death to harm their enemies and set them a blaze!
  • Jade Shintai (Earth): When one learns of the Jade Shintai arts, they begin to become one with the very world, able to run up the side of buildings to becoming an unmovable force of nature like a mountain, practitioners of Jade Shintai are not to be taken lightly.
  • Smoke Shintai: The Kuei-jin use the powers of the Smoke Shintai to misdirect, conceal, and obfuscate. A skilled practitioner of Smoke Shintai can use even the tiniest amount of smoke to conceal himself, and can tell lies to convincing that even the most jaded cynic believes him. At higher levels of power, Smoke Shintai provides some control over actual fire. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 82 - 83
  • Storm Shintai: This Shintai Discipline reflects the Cathayans' links to the storms of the pacific and Indian oceans. Most of the middle Kingdom is subject to terrible storms, even monsoons, during the course of every year. Some Kuei-jin, particularly those with strong P'os, revel in this extreme weather. Thus, they have learned to invoke the powers of the storm by attuning their Chi energies to the flows of weather. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 84 - 85

Chi Arts

  • NOTE: Dhamphyrs may take Feng Shui Only.

Chi arts are the Disciplines the Wan Kuei put into practice to direct the flow of chi within the body or an area. In some measures, these abilities go beyond just chi, but even the very aspect of the Souls.

  • Equilibrium: Maintaining harmonious balance between Yin and Yang, Hun and P'o.
  • Feng Shui: Chinese Geomancy put to use with Chi and Dragons Nests. Kindred of the East Companion P. 48 - 51
  • Yang Prana: Attuning the body to its inner Yang.
  • Yin Prana: Attuning the body to its inner Yin.
  • Tapestry: manipulating ambient Chi in the environment.

Soul Arts

  • NOTE: Dhamphyrs may take Tzu Wei Only.

The Soul are used to either direct the measure of one's own soul, or that of others. Some of these arts let you peek into a person's soul, while others, allows you to either entice the P'o in yourself or another to rage or to subside!

  • Cultivation: The P'o must be understood and assimilated.
  • Chi'iu Muh: The true secrets of the third eye.
  • Internalize: Focusing the will for mighty feats and cunning insights.
  • Mibasham: This Discipline, whose name derives from the Farsi (Persian) word for 'to be,' is concerned with the very nature of existence itself. Kuei-jin who study it are seeking answers to the mysteries of how the Kuei-jin came to be and what their purpose in the world is. Kindred of the East Companion P. 89 - 90
  • Obligation: The strongest soul prevails and triumphs.
  • Tzu Wei: Tzu Wei, as practiced by mortals, involves the use of Chinese astrology and horoscopes to determine what the future holds for an individual, what days and symbols are propitious ones for him, and when the best times are to undertake certain actions. In conjunction with feng shui, it provides what is sometimes an almost comprehensive guide to living one's life. But Kuei-jin, who know more about the fates than mere mortals, and who are sometimes able to manipulate the very stuff of reality itself, take Tzu Wei many steps beyond that. While they are able to do simple things like casting horoscopes, they are also able to grasp hold of joss and make it do what they want. Rather than simply reacting to the omens they see, they make joss conform to their desires. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 90 - 91

Demon Arts

Note: Hellweaving is not allowed at this time.
Demon Arts are the Disciplines that tap into the P'o directly, these arts are powerful, however dangerous in their own right.

  • Black Wind: Uses the P'o to fuel you physically!
  • Demon Shintai: Allows you to take on the Physical horrors of your P'o
  • Kiai: Releases the power of the P'o through powerful yells and screams. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 75 - 76
  • Iron Mountain: Able to use the P'o endure pain most Wan Kuei cannot. Kindred of the East: Companion P. 72 - 73

Other Arts

As of right now, the Arts used by the Heretical Dharma's are heavily restricted, there needs to be a very, very good reason on why.

  • Inward Way: the Discipline of the Inward Way is all about controlling the four imbalanced Virtues at the heart of the constantly whirling tempest within. Heresies of the Way P. 49
  • Prayer-Eating: Through the development of this Discipline, the Kuei-jin learns to extend her spiritual influence into those who pay her homage. Heresies of the Way P. 77 - 79
  • Tempest of the Inward Focus: Designed by the Sage as a movement-based meditation, the Tempest is more than a Kuei-jin martial art. It was meant to serve as an external component to the internal inward Way, and the Dahn Tú believe that to be truly proficient in either, you must master both. The Tempest is also limited in that powers can only be applied to Martial Arts maneuvers; it is, after all, a meditative-combat Discipline. Heresies of the Way P. 50 - 51

Necromancy/Sorcery (Kuei-jin Only)

  • Per the Dharma Book: Bone Flowers p. 35, Yin-Aspect Kuei-jin can learn Necromancy Rites that are similar to Giovanni Rituals. A Kuei-jin as stated previously, must be Yin-aspect and must possess Occult 3 and Rituals 4. If the Kuei-jin meets the previous criteria, they can learn Necromancy Rites at one level higher than their ritual level. For example, Cadaver's Touch, a level four ritual, would be a level five rite. The adapted rituals cause a mitigated version of a Kin-jin Discipline's ripple effect on the local Chi (Kindred of the East: Companion p. 122). However these rituals are taught and learned is up to the ST. House Bishamon and House Genji have banned the use of such strange and unnatural rituals; however it is believed that House Echizen has a vast library of converted rites which their willing to share, for a price. It is also speculated that some Ronin managed to learn some of these converted rites, but those Ronin are usually killed or adopted quickly.
  • As stated above with Necromancy the same is applied to learning Adapted Thaumaturgy Rituals. Difference is, a Kuei-jin may be balanced or Yang aspect instead of Yin aspect in order to perform the converted rite. Everything else applies normally along with the banning by House Bishamon and Genji with the note on House Echizen and Ronins.

Joss (Dhamphyrs Only)

Joss is Luck, and Dhamphyrs have the ability to not only be blessed by luck, but can be even learn to direct it, and even bind it to skills.

  • Active Joss: A Dhamphyr knows how to actively use their Joss towards something their attempting to do.
  • Joss Binding: A Dhamphyr has learned to bind some of their luck into a specific skill their very proficient at, often resulting in rather awe inspiring lucky events! Prerequisites: Active Joss, Skill to be bound at 3 dots.


You may not take Generation or Status, but you may take the backgrounds of:
  • Age: Allows a Dhamphyr to increase their access to Shintai Disciplines at a decrease to their Humanity and even their physical capabilities. (Dhamphyrs Only)
  • Allies: The details of the background have changed, please see the check the Home Brew Link Above Section to see the changes.
  • Dharma: Much like Generation, however it works for your Dharma rating (Please see Home Brewed for details; Kuei-jin Only)
  • Face: A Dhamphyrs 'recognition' among a Kuei-jin's court and how accepted (respected) a Dhamphyr is among a court. (Dhamphyrs Only)
  • Followers: You have a gang of people at your beck and call, be they thugs, fan girls or just people who are enslaved to your will, they are willing to jump to your needs whenever you wish. (Please see Home Brewed for details.)
  • Horoscopes: The stars smiled, or frowned, upon you. (Kuei-jin Only)
  • Influence: Influence is the pull an individual has within a specific Organizations.
    • Note: Locals to Japan may have up to 1 dot in influences. Locals are those who have spent their existence in Japan or at the very least, five years. Anyone who is recently arriving from outside of Japan, may not start with any points in Influence. For Further details on Influence and how it's gained, lost and the like please visit Here!.
  • Jade Talisman: You are blessed with a Chi-storing talisman.
  • Magic Artifact: You possess one or more magical devices.
  • Nushi: A guardian spirit watches over you or your wu.
  • Retainer: The aspects of the background has changed, please check the Home Brewed for further details.
  • Note: A Dhamphyr May not take Chih'mei as retainers and may only have a Dhamphyr, Bakemono, or Ban Ren Guei as a retainer through rp and personal plot development.
  • Rites: You know one or more ceremonies for placating spirits and tapping into dragon lines. (Kuei-jin only)
  • Spirit Servant Through the many Rites that Bind Spirits, you have learned to bind a Yin or Yang spirit to your service. (Please see Home Brewed for details; Kuei-jin Only)


Kuei-jin start off with the following Lore:
● in Kuei-jin Lore
● in Dharma Lore
If a Kuei-jin has any form of interest in Dhamphyrs, their origins and the like, they may start off with a ● in Dhamphyr Lore as well, for free. Also, those who are connected with specific type of Spirits, such as Yang or Yin spirits/demons may also be awarded a free point in Lore of that type.
Dhamphyrs start off with the following Lore(s), so long as they're not Ignorant of Self:
● in Dhamphyr Lore
● Kuei-Jin (If their educated in the ways of the Wan Kuei)

Virtues (Kuei-Jin Only)

Virtues for the Wan Kuei are split into four types and into two groups. You have Chi Virtues which are Yin, Self-Control and Yang, Courage; then you have Soul Virtues which are Hun (Humanity) and P'o (The Demon). The four virtues can be out of balance if the virtues are more than two dots higher than its opposing virtue; i.e. If Yin is at 5, while Yang is at 2, or P'o is at 6 and Hun is at 2.
Chi Virtues

  • Yin: Represents your connection to the cold mindedness of the universe, it helps you resist Fire Soul and represents the amount of Yin you can hold within your undead body.
  • Yang: Represents your connection to the very essence of life, it helps you resist Wave Soul and how much Yang you can hold within your undead body.

Soul Virtues:

  • Hun: The Hun represents the strength of your humane side of your dual souls, it helps you resist Shadow Soul, and to temper the P'o.
  • P'o: The P'o represents the strength of the Demon side of your dual souls, it helps you draw on the power of the demon within and allows you to hold more Demon Chi in your system.

Merits & Flaws

We are allowing players to take up to seven dots in merits and flaws, just as per normal character creations, merits take points away from your freebies while flaws add to your freebies. Merits and Flaws that are allowed for use are from the Kindred of the East books, and Vampire the Masquerade Revised books. ST's are allowed to deny specific merits/flaws based on character history, combination of merits with other merits and powers, and the same going with flaws. Since there are Kuei-jin who have connections with Humanity, and vampire does not have merits/flaws that work well for such aspects, there is a section of merits and flaws that focus more on human/mortal aspects. This list can be found HERE! If there are any questions, please feel free to ask the staff!

Disallowed Merits/Flaws (Kuei-jin Only)

Below are the Disallowed Merits and Flaws, these Merits/Flaws are disallowed due to the fact that Kuei-Jin have a different background that they do not share with Kindred. Such as, they can eat normal food without a merit. Should Any merit/flaw become banned, it will also be placed here with a note on it being Banned.

  • Berserker
  • Dual Nature


  • Eat Food


  • True Faith
  • Light-Sensitive
  • Kànbujiàn (Banned for PC Use, We're not playing outside the Middle Kingdom)


  • Baby Face
  • Misplaced Heart
  • Efficient Digestion
  • Selective Digestion
  • Thin-Blooded


  • Attribute 5
  • Ability 2 (3 if Martial Arts)
  • Discipline 10
  • Background 1
  • Chi Virtue 3
  • Hun 3
  • P'o 1
  • Willpower 1


  • Attributes 5
  • Ability 2 (3 if Martial Arts)
  • Discipline 10
  • Active Joss 10
  • Joss Binding 10
  • Background 1
  • Virtue 2
  • Humanity 1
  • Willpower 1

Character History

Character history is important part of a Wan Kuei's second breath, it needs to show aspects of why they went to hell, and in that, you need to make mention of what hell you went to; though, you do not need to have that mention as something the character remembers, it does need to be a note on where you went to within your history. Also, in your history, you need to speak on your training, which can be anywhere from 1 year to 25 years (depending on how traditional you want to be), so please make some mention of how long your training was. When it gets down to origins and court, please make sure to put in where you came from if you're not a local to Japan. Make sure to also add in and Faction/House you are part of, mention of a House is important, so please make sure you familiarize yourself with the Japanese sections if you can.

To add some ease to things, I have compiled information from the Kindred of the East: Companion and Sunset Empires, on the different courts and the like, in order to read up on this stuff please visit HERE!

Vampires have a X5 XP cost for in clan disciplines, out of clan only goes up to X7, and every clan has at least 1 combat discipline in clan. So for what costs a KJ to get 3 disciplines at 5(366 XP) a kindred has their 3 in-clan at 5, an out of clan at 4, Another out of clan at 3 and 8 xp to spare. Kindred of the East is a tabletop role-playing game supplement by White Wolf Publishing for their Vampire: The Masquerade line. The vanguard of White Wolf's 'Year of the Lotus' theme (which created 'Eastern' counterparts to all of their major product lines in the World of Darkness), this sourcebook is a stand-alone setting, requiring only secondary rules to be fully playable. See full list on

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Kindred of the East: the Song of Lanterns

Blood Shintai

Kindred Of The East Pdf

The Blood Shintai Discipline, the Water element analog, concentrates on the ebb and flow of Chi through the character's circulatory system.Blood Shintai Disciplines can be attuned to Yin, Yang, or Balance; in the view of a practitioner, Yin and yang compose but one aspect of the cyclical flows that permeate eternity like blood through a body. As blood is in constant, yet regulated, motion, flowing from the heart through veins to limbs, so Yin and Yang themselves aren't rigid quantities, but ever-changing.Chi Attunement: Strength1 · Permeate ·The disciple of the Blood Shintai first learns to manipulate gross quantities of blood within his body. The vampire may diffuse blood through his body, thereby swelling up in the manner of a puff adder; alternatively, he may concentrate his essence into his center, thereby appearing to shrivel. A vampire with sufficient control over his blood flow can squeeze through narrow cracks in the manner of an invertebrate, though such a process is arduous and time-consuming.System: No roll is needed; one Chi Point (of either type) must be spent. Either diffusion or concentration reduces soak rolls to difficulty 5. With this power, a vampire may easily slip into narrow crevices or wriggle free of bonds. Getting through very tight spaces (between bars or through a small window) might require a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty depends on the situation). By selectively swelling and shriveling his face and body, the vampire may attempt to obscure his features. He may not disguise himself as someone else, but he may veil his own identity (and, generally speaking, will appear less attractive). To recognize the vampire, a viewer must roll Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty 6 for both). The power's effects last for one scene.2 · Blood Atemi ·By touching another creature, the vampire may move the blood in that being's body. This ability can cause all manner of detrimental effects, particularly to mortals.System: To use this power, the vampire must touch his victim, spend a Chi Point, and roll Perception + Medicine (difficulty 7). The effects of the power depend on where the victim is struck. If the vampire touches the victim's body, he causes the circulatory system to go haywire. Nausea and dizziness result, as blood rushes to and from the victim's head, stomach, and inner ears. Unless the victim scores more successes on a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) than the vampire did on his attack roll, the victim is overwhelmed by nausea for one turn per success on the attack roll. A nauseated victim must make a Dexterity roll (difficulty 7) to take any action)s) during her turn, and the difficulty of any action she does undertake is raised by one. If the victim botches the Stamina roll, she's completely overwhelmed with nausea for the entire scene (if shen) or suffers a stroke (if mortal). If the vampire touches a limb, he may choose to numb the limb or to induce spasm. Numbing a limb produces a 'pins and needles' effect; all activities using that limb are at +2 to dice pools. Inducing spasm in a limb forces the victim to make a straight Dexterity roll (difficulty 7); if the roll fails, the victim's extremity is contorted by muscle cramps, which render the limb useless for one turn per success the vampire scored. If the roll is botched, the victim takes a health level of damage from severe cramps. Alternatively (if rarely), a vampire may use this power to facilitate healing in a human or animal. For each success on the vampire's roll, healing time on the Mortals' healing Times chart is halved. Obviously, this power may be used only upon beings with bloodstreams. Vampires, shape shifters, and changelings, for example, are fair game; Risen and wraiths aren't.3 · Flow Like Blood ·The vampire instantly disperses Chi through her bloodstream into every molecule of her being. In so doing, she becomes as fluid as blood, and thus, preternaturally hard to strike. Although the vampire appears barely to move, perfectly aimed attacks simply miss her, bullets strike the wall behind her without touching her, etc.System: The vampire spends a point of Yang Chi. For the next three turns, the vampire may dodge any and all attacks directed at her as though she had a full dice pool, in addition to any other actions she chooses to take. She suffers no penalty to dodge multiple attacks. So, if a Kuei-jin with a Dexterity of 3 and a Dodge of 3 is being attacked by three opponents, she may dodge all of her opponents' strikes with a Dexterity + Dodge dice pool of six dice and versus difficulty 6, in addition to taking her allotted action for the turn. If the vampire chooses solely to dodge during a turn in which this power is evoked, she may do so per the rules above, but all Dodge rolls are made versus difficulty 5.4 · Bloodlash ·With this power, the vampire uses Chi to coagulate his blood into a lethal weapon. The vampire extends a tendril of blood, then wields it like a liquid whip. The tendril is razor sharp, capable of slicing through flesh and metal with equal ease. Yin lashes are black and bubbling, while Yang lashes are bright red and hiss with roiling energy.System: The Cathayan spends a point of either Yin or Yang Chi, then opens her mouth or slits her wrist. The lash extends from the open orifice or wound. The lash has a reach of four feet per point of the vampire's permanent Chi (Yin or Yang, depending on the distance from which the whip is formed) and inflicts Strength + 2 aggravated damage; alternatively, it can hit for normal Strength damage, then constrict a victim. Victims seeking to escape the bloodlash must score three or more successes in a resisted contest of their Strength versus the vampire's permanent Chi Virtue.5 · Blood Awakening ·At this level, the enlightened student can utilize his Chi-rich blood for all manner of wondrous tasks. By sprinkling Yang-laden blood on an object, the vampire can awaken the spirit within the object, thus imbuing it with life. Alternatively, by spitting Yin-heavy blood on a spirit, the vampire can freeze the spirit in place, causing it to calcify and fall immediately out of the spirit world. Spirits snared in this manner resemble bizarre statues of pure white jade.System: Animated objects must have some means of mobility, and this power is therefore most commonly used on statues of persons or animals. The object in question must be well-crafted (creator must have scored at least three successes on the roll to make the object), or else its spirit is too week to awaken. For each Yang Point spent, the animated object gains two health levels and one die in all Physical Attributes. Objects obey the Kuei-jin's orders to the best of their (limited) ability. A miniscule object (for example, a tiny statuette imbued with five Chi Points) grows huge, perhaps larger than the Kuei-jin. The Storyteller may assign an object any other properties that logic or whimsy dictates (for example, a brass cobra could bite, an iron soldier would have extra soak dice, and an origami swan could surely fly). If the vampire instead chooses to spend yin, she can spit it at any ghost or spirit she can detect. Spirits and ghosts hit by this projectile 'calcify,' turning into white jade-like and completely immobile 'statues,' which then collapse through the Wall and into the Middle Kingdom. A spirit so calcified is completely helpless, and can be smashed (which disperses its Chi and sends the spirit back through the Wall to re-form) or drained of Chi. Kuei-jin can use this power to hunt spirits for their Chi, but doing so enrages the spirit-worlds as a whole, and vengeance assuredly is to follow.6 · Blood Blade ·Like the feared Bloodlash, this power allows the Kuei-jin to create a weapon out of his own blood — in this case, a dagger or sword. The weapon may have any appearance the Kuei-jin desires: It can resemble the straight-double edged blades so favored by Westerners, the curved darn dao saber of China, or katana of Japan, the butterfly swords or hook swords of kung fu, or anything else the Kuei-jin can conceive of that resembles a blade. Some Cathayans have even refined this power to create blades of a lethally artistic shape — swords shaped like flames or dragons, or daggers that resemble demon's claws, for example.System: The player spends a point of Yin Chi or Yang Chi, then slits his wrist or opens some other wound on his body (or, perhaps, takes advantage of an existing would). The blood he releases coagulates into a sword or dagger, as he desires; it lasts for one scene (or longer, at the Storyteller's discretion). The weapon can be used to strike at targets for Strength + 3 aggravated damage.7 · Blood Of The Scorpion ·The Assamites of the Kin-jin aren't the only ones who can spit blood; some powerful Kuei-jin can, too. Even worse, their blood is poisoned with Yin energy, making it deadly to the very touch. Using this power is a particular delight for Kuei-jin who follow the Song of the Shadow or Howl of the Devil-Tiger Dharmas, who appreciate not only its lethality, but its horrific qualities as well.System: The player spends a point of yin Chi to 'poison' a quantity of the Kuei-jin's blood with life-sapping Yin energy, who then spits it at his target. he can spit the blood up to one yard per point of permanent Yin Chi that he possesses. He rolls Dexterity + Firearms or Athletics, whichever is higher (difficulty 6), to hit his target; if successful, the Yin-poisoned blood does a number of dice of aggravated damage equal to the character's permanent Yin Chi + 2. The victim doesn't suffer this damage if the poisoned blood can't touch him. For example, if he's wearing a sealed environmental suit or is completely swathed in thick furs. (Ordinary clothes normally won't suffice to protect him, however.) Wraiths, mummies, and any targets with higher permanent Yin Chi ratings than the Kuei-jin are immune to this power.8 · Corruption Of The Blood ·This is one of the most feared Kuei-jin powers — the ability to turn another Kuei-jin's, or Kin-jin's, own blood against him. With the merest touch, a Kuei-jin who knows this ability can cause the victim's blood to become as poison to him or to boil with Yang energy. Either way, the typical result is a quick, but extremely painful, death.System: The Kuei-jin must touch the victim (skin-to-skin contact isn't required, however) while the player must spend a point of Yang Chi and roll manipulation + Medicine (difficulty 7). Each success means that the victim takes one die of aggravated damage from boiling and corrupted blood. Furthermore, this blood is rendered poisonous and useless, or burned away. Kin-jin lose a Blood Point for each success. The roiling Yang energy similarly drains the powers of other creatures, sapping their vitality (Storyteller's discretion).9 · Blood Leeching ·An extension of Corruption of the Blood, this power allows a Kuei-jin to steal blood (or, more accurately, Chi) from another being, be he mortal or shen. The Kuei-jin simply has to touch the victim, and the victim's blood bursts out of every pore, injuring or killing him while simultaneously granting the Kuei-jin more Chi to use. Particularly sadistic Kuei-jin often enjoy 'feeding' by means of this power. Using Blood Leeching on another Kuei-jin is often regarded as a gross insult to his wu or court, one that must be repaid in kind, or by declaring the offender akuma.System: Like Corruption of the Blood, except that the Kuei-jin gains one point of temporary Yang Chi or Yin Chi (his choice) for every health level of damage the victim takes. The Kuei-jin stealing Chi in this manner may not raise his Chi reservoirs past their permanent levels with this power, however.

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